Why should you intern with an NGO?
Summer is fast approaching and so are end-of-year exams. The break after exams is a blissful period of lazing around, watching shows, and traveling. Trust me, I don’t disagree with you. All of those ideas pretty much make summer or any other long break the most wonderful time of the year. While exams are boring they are essential for our growth but volunteering or interning with an NGO is where our compassion grows. Instead of ticking off your watchlist or bucket list why not update your resume and add a few internship experiences. Trust me, at the end of your internship, you feel walk out feeling satisfied and accomplished. Having an internship with an NGO is an enriching experience, as it will give you a chance to work and enhance your skills in the career you want to pursue while giving back to society! Here are a few reasons why you should consider interning with an NGO (I promise, it’s worth a read):
a) Making an impact:
In earlier times, people viewed volunteers as some who might be sent out to get coffee, or make copies. However, over the past few years, volunteering options have expanded and the goal has now become to help volunteers contribute and grow along the way. As a student, you have very few chances to contribute meaningful ideas that make a difference. As a volunteer or an intern, you are given the opportunity to share ideas and make a difference. You will contribute to making a positive social change. Additionally, working alongside people who feel as strongly as you do about supporting a particular cause creates a path for developing strong relationships with others.
b) Gain real-world work experience:
Gaining real-world experience helps everything from improving the volunteer’s chance of impressing potential employers, to making sure they have skills that they can use to ensure success when they start a new job. Volunteer work gives students a chance to gain these skills while they are still in school. There is a certain level of accomplishment when you take the knowledge you learned in class and apply them to “work”. Your education reinforces the fact that these theoretical theories and concepts that your teachers keep telling you are actually useful in real life.
c) Network, network…oh and network:
Volunteers have invaluable access to colleagues at different levels all in an industry that they are considering as their future career path. This is when you “get your feet wet”, or try different types of careers when you have the opportunity to do so. Volunteering is also an awesome opportunity to network and meet new people! You will be surprised by the kinds of people you end up meeting, and connecting with!
Have I convinced you yet?
Yes? Click here to land yourself the perfect internship aligned with your goals and skill sets. These Internships can be virtual or offline.
Also, look out for various different volunteering opportunities at https://connectfor.org/volt-explore-opportunities . I promise you-you will not regret this decision!