Message from the Founders - May 2020
To the ConnectFor Readers,
We hope everyone is taking good care of themselves and adapting to this new way of life. The current times are challenging and we truly hope all of you are staying at home, staying healthy and finding new ways to keep yourselves engaged, creative and happy.
Amidst this pandemic, we have some good news to share with all our stakeholders. Over the past one month, we have had more than 70 corporate volunteers who have gauged the needs of the NGOs and the sensitivity of the current situation and have successfully devoted their time and efforts to the Virtual Volunteering engagements. These opportunities were devised to promote skilled individuals and professionals to volunteer from the comfort of their homes. Through these initiatives, we are trying to build a Virtual Community for our stakeholders to promote social development and encourage employees to meet virtually to volunteer.
Furthermore, we set up knowledge sharing sessions as webinars for our NGO partners to help them set up fundraising campaigns, introduce them to basic concepts of social media and curate new opportunities to help them capacity build.
We are feeling positive and truly believe that this is the onset to many new virtual volunteering projects and new partnerships in the form of knowledge building and sharing sessions, NGO to NGO collaborations and corporate engagements.
Read more to delve into ConnectFor’s world of virtual volunteering and set employee volunteering goals or build a portfolio around skill-based volunteering with us, to generate impactful results and to create a more dynamic and positive workforce.
Stay home and Volunteer!
Shloka Ambani & Maniti Shah